Food Assistance Information Fair on Opening Day 2022 – press release
Belmont Farmers’ Market opening day features Food Assistance Information Fair
Local and statewide agencies to provide information about food benefit programs
Belmont, MA – Belmont Farmers' Market (BFM) will have a Food Assistance Information Fair as part of their Opening Day celebration on June 2, 2022. Representatives from local and statewide agencies will talk to people facing food insecurity about ways to boost their food budgets.
In 2021, food assistance at BFM added over $37,000 to the budgets of shoppers who need financial assistance to buy food for their families. Spending those additional funds at the Market also supported local farms and businesses.
“Ordinarily, I have to make choices between eating properly and other medical needs. The matching funds program has met a real need for me that I am unable to meet through other sources.” – Shopper comment
Opening Day schedule
The ribbon-cutting ceremony starts at 1:45 pm. The Market and the Food Assistance Information Fair run from 2:00 until 6:30. BFM operates in the Belmont Center parking lot behind Leonard St.
“As a physician, I believe it’s important that everyone have access to the freshest food, because it’s packed with nutrients. I also appreciate that our food support allows all shoppers to participate in the sense of community at the Market.” — Suzanne Johannet, MD, president of the Belmont Food Collaborative, parent organization of BFM.
About the food assistance programs
BFM’s food assistance doubles SNAP benefits (formerly Food Stamps) up to $25 weekly for each shopper. They’re one of the few farmers’ markets that double Farmers Market Nutrition Program coupons (FMNP) for eligible seniors and WIC families. Three of the Market’s farmers are in the Healthy Incentives Program (HIP), which puts money back on shoppers’ EBT cards when they buy healthy, local produce from HIP farm vendors.
2021 food assistance summary: $16,300 in matching funds for SNAP and FMNP. About $21,000 in produce purchased from HIP farmers. Donations to BFM pay for matching, while the Commonwealth reimburses vendors for HIP purchases.
The Information Fair will help people learn about their eligibility for food programs. But BFM wants everyone to know about these programs. Even in Belmont, often thought of as a prosperous town, there are many people who need to stretch their budgets to buy enough healthy food for their families.
From 2019 to 2021, Belmont households receiving SNAP benefits increased by almost 50%. During that time, BFM’s SNAP match increased by over 150%.
The Information Fair will include representatives of statewide and local organizations, each of which supports people in different ways.
The Belmont Food Pantry will hold a food drive. Belmont Farmers’ Market will accept financial donations to support their programs, including SNAP and FMNP coupon matching.
Expected participants in the Belmont Farmers’ Market Food Assistance Information Fair:
Rebecca Davidson, Coordinator, Mass. Department of Agricultural Resource FMNP program
Dalia Cohen, Director of Nutrition, Springwell
Marc Daniel Aubourg, Community Outreach Coordinator, Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA)
Leah Schenkel, Manager of Hotline Outreach, Project Bread
Laurie Graham, Board Member, Belmont Food Pantry
Amy Kirsch, Co-Founder, Belmont Helps
“The financial help with the matching is great. I was able to eat well because of your market.” – Shopper comment
About Belmont Farmers’ Market
Belmont Farmers' Market is a project of the Belmont Food Collaborative, a non-profit organization in Belmont, MA. The Market offers great local food, community information, Storytime for kids, and lively music and events, all in a friendly environment. The Market began in 2006, growing each year by adding vendors in different categories and from many cultures. Shoppers can find a variety of fresh local produce, along with prepared food to heat and serve; meat, fish, and dairy; baked goods; and so much more.
Get more information about the food assistance program at the Manager’s Tent at the Market, or online at
Located in the Belmont Center parking lot, Belmont, MA, the Market takes place on Thursdays, 2–6:30 pm, starting June 2, 2022 (Use 10 Claflin St, Belmont, MA, in your GPS.)
About Belmont Food Collaborative, Inc.
Founded in 2009, Belmont Food Collaborative’s mission includes charitable and educational activities focused on healthy food, nutrition, and local and sustainable farming. Major projects include Belmont Helps, Belmont Composts!, and the Belmont Farmers’ Market.
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