Belmont Farmers’ Market Community Tent Policy
July 6, 2022
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Belmont Farmers’ Market (BFM) has a Community Tent to provide space for community groups to talk with our shoppers. The goal is to add to the feeling of community at the Market, which is an important feature that draws shoppers each week.
BFM has a permit from the Town of Belmont to run the Market, a private event, on Town property. That permit comes with the right to decide who is invited to participate. The Farmers’ Market Committee and the Board of Directors of Belmont Food Collaborative (BFM’s parent organization) have the sole right to decide whom to invite.
Many invited groups have missions that closely align with our own, though that is not required. Some examples:
We welcome government officials and representatives of government agencies to talk with constituents in the Community Tent, whether they serve at the local, state or federal level.
We welcome charitable organizations such as Food Link, the Boston Area Gleaners, Habitat for Humanity, and others.
We do not invite organizations that advocate for particular ballot questions or candidates, groups that are partisan or explicitly political, or candidates running for office (unless they come as an incumbent holding office hours). And we do not allow invited groups to advocate in these ways.
We do not invite groups that would be too controversial for a community event. For example, a pro-choice group asked to attend a few years ago, but we declined.
We do not invite groups that have missions or actions that run counter to our own.
The parking lot outside of the Market is not subject to our control. Groups that are not invited may stand there and talk to people, whether they are shoppers or not. They must follow any rules that the Town of Belmont has, and they must be aware of traffic in the parking lot.
We welcome all shoppers in the Market. However, we do not allow behavior that anyone perceives as aggressive attempts to engage or interact with our shoppers, vendors, or volunteers. Shoppers have told us that they dislike and resent feeling approached or accosted while shopping. And, of course, our vendors do not want shoppers hindered or deterred by unwanted encounters.
Examples of groups that have used the Community Tent: Belmont Public Library’s popup library, Habitat Education Center, elected officials holding office hours, the League of Women Voters registering voters, Belmont Light Department, Public Safety Day with Belmont Police and Fire, Porchfest, Belmont Cultural Council, Belmont’s Animal Control officer, cooking classes, Belmont Media Center, Communities United Head Start, WIC outreach, Foundation for Belmont Education, Foster Parent recruiter from DCF, and various children’s activities.